Sunday 18 September 2016

September....Welcome Back!

 Welcome to school for the first time JKs! And welcome back to our SKs!!
We have had a great start! Here are a few of the things we have been doing...

Free exploration with craft supplies.

Playing in the water table to keep cool. 

Journal Writing and Reading

 Making Owls for our Bulletin board in the hallway.

Looking for letters

 Building castles and Tunnels with foam blocks.

MATH- our focus is sorting, patterning and sequencing for the next few weeks.

Sorting Bugs by colour.                                                             Sorting farm items by colour.

Sorting by Shape (trees, horses, tractor, etc.)                            Extending Apple patterns.

Patterning by colour

 Patterning blocks- block, tunnel, block, tunnel.                  Patterning us- boy, girl, boy, girl...

Experimenting with primary colours- yellow and red to make orange.

LITERACY- our focus is on Folk & Fairy tales and Retelling stories in proper sequence.

We read The 3 Little Pigs and the True Story of the 3 Little Pigs and compared the differences and similarities. We discussed 'Point of View' and that there are sometimes 2 sides to a story. Then we voted on which story we believed was the true story. 
(Also graphing for our math)

 Retelling the story of the 3 Little Pigs in our Puppet Theater.

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