Friday 30 September 2016

September flew by!

Math- Patterning, Meauring... con'd

 Patterning shapes...

 Patterning keys...

Patterning measuring cubes!

Extending the math activity!!! 
Number Sense.... Number recognition! Counting! Representing Whole Numbers! Adding!!!!! 
WOW! Smart Bunch of kids!!!

 Patterning, Measuring
Which braid is longer? Which braid is shorter?
How many cubes long is that braid?

Sorting by colour

Number Sense
Representing whole numbers


Patterns, patterns, and more patterns!

Counting the lengths 

First day cutting at school...went really well!!!

Magic Writing on our backs.
Does it feel like an Upper Case T or a Lower Case t?

Retelling the Ginger Bread Man


Retelling Rapunzel, Cinderella, and the Little Mermaid
...they all lived happily ever after!!!

Sequencing the 3 Little Pigs Story strips (and the Frog Prince)
Finding Letters in Environmental Print

 Retelling the Little Red Hen with Finger Puppets

Making our own Cinderella Paper dolls

"If I had a Fairy Godmother
I would wish for..."

 Letter building our letter of the week, Tt!!!

Building words!!!

September Science- Mixing primary colours to make secondary colours

Red and Blue make Purple!

Light table discovery...
Yellow + Pink= orange
Yellow + Blue= green


Making a Castle with a draw bridge!

September's Cooperative Games
Move the hula hoop through our circle... don't break the chain of our arms!!!
They were amazing! Great Team Building exercise!

A Little 'Hullabaloo' Fun!

Making Crowns

Reading Buddies! 

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