Sunday 15 January 2017

Happy New Year

Math Centers
1) Mitten Sort/Sequence/Pattern-by size or colour
2) Mitten Symmetry- colour the mittens so that both sides look exactly the same, "symmetrical"
3) Draw a Pattern on your mitten, then lacing (fine motor activity)
4) Snowflake Sort/Pattern

Sequencing by Size

Sorting by colour and size


 Drawing Patterns

Art- Painting inspired by Eric Carle 
First we painted the papers
Then we used the paper to cut out mittens, hats and scarves

Outdoor Play!!!

 Math Continued...

Colouring symmetry

Art continued... putting it all together


Rubbing pastels to make "rosey cheeks"

Shared Reading- Little Snowman
Find the popcorn words- a, and, that
Find the rhymes
Find the "King of ING"- ing

Symmetrical Lego Man!

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