Sunday 4 June 2017

Money & Butterflies

Life Cycle of a Butterfly
Sequence the 4 Stages

Math Centers
1) Money- Paying for food at the restaurant.

 2) Counting Mats- review printing #s 1-10


3) Money Matching Mats


4) Raindrop Addition


 Kinder-Garden Corner
We are growing beans!!!!

Cucumber Plants are Flowering...

Guided Reading Groups

Money Math Games...
(The Smart Board Workshop I attended Tuesday was well worth it!)

Jump Rope for Heart...

Printing Popcorn Words

Where the Wild Things Are Puzzle

Symmetrical Butterflies

 Connecting Creations...

Fun Friday- Swatter Games
Find the number 8.
What is 2+2?
What number comes after 3?
What number comes before 7?

 Reading Buddies Outdoors...

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