Saturday 20 May 2017

Telling Time & Parts of a Plant

Math Centers
1) Telling Time to the hour on the little clocks

2) Velcro Clocks
Stick the numbers in the correct place on the clock and practice telling time to the hour.



3) Matching Analogue Time to Digital Time


4) Temperature
Sort Hot and Cold objects
Where do the animals live? a hot climate? or cold climate?


Out door exploring...

Dandelions- Finding the seeds, discussing how they travel, in the wind...

Free Play

Play Floam and Wicky Sticks
They made the planets!!!

  Alphabet Bingo

Water Table Fun

 Lego Friends

Outdoor Music...

Letter Blend of the Week- 'ou'

 Find and match the Beginning Letter...

 Health- Sun Safety

Making Little Books,
Reading colours and numbers.

Shared Reading Poem- Raindrops
Find the rhymes, popcorn words and the 'er' blend.

Play Doh Number Mats...

Art- Painting
Making tire tracks or trowel designs...

Reading Together...


Science- Parts of a Plant
Roots, stem, leaves, flower, fruit, seeds...

 Predictions- What will happen to the celery stem in the red water?
"it will turn red"
"the stem absorbs water and takes it to the leaves"

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