Friday 26 May 2017

Time, Money and Fire Trucks!

Math Centers
1) Money Graphing 
Learning the names and values of our Canadian coins.


2) Sorting, Graphing & Patterning Coins
Sort by colour in the Venn Diagram, or by individual coins.



3) Telling Time to the hour and the half hour!

 4) Cut and Paste- match the digital clock to the analogue clock.

Checking up on our predictions...
"The celery stem did it's job!" 
"It acts like a straw, sucks up the water and shares it with the rest of the plant"
"The leaves turned red"

(Evaporation- We are watching the water level on the blue cup too...)

 Building Together...

Planning a path, making a track, balancing skills...

Guided Writing
What do you like to dress up as?

Retelling the Story of the Very Hungry Caterpillar...

 The Planets go home...

Fire Truck Visitors!!!

 Touring the truck...

 Getting to sit in the truck!!


Outdoor Chalk Drawings...

Shared Reading Poem

Letter blend of the week: 'oo'
Word list