Sunday 9 April 2017

3D Figures & Touch

Math Centers
1) Sort 3D solids found in our environment


2) Roll or Side? Stack or not?


3) 3D Shape books
Find and print the names from our word wall.

 4) Geo board shapes

 Positional Language- beside, on top, in, under, etc.

Health- Measuring our width and height


 Labeling our body parts (inside)

 Free Play...

Journal Writing- I know it is Spring because...

Science- Sense of Touch
Feely Balloons- Guess what's inside???
(Corn, rice, salt, marbles)

 Sorting Activity- Does the object feel soft or hard?

A couple more smells too, because that was so much fun!!!
(ketchup, mustard, honey, cinnamon)

Sharing- What's inside the Egg?

 Exploring Lengths...

Shared Reading- Poem
Five Little Bunnies- find the rhymes (floor/four, be/three, knew/two, fun/one, sun/none)

            Acting out the poem... 

 Fun Friday Math- Symmetry Games
Take turns adding shapes to create a symmetrical figure.



Building with 3D shapes...


                                                                                                 "I found cylinders"

Art- Baby Chicks


 Dramatic Centre is now a Garden Centre

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