Friday 20 February 2015

Blast Off!

Making rocket ships with shapes (rectangles, triangles and stars).
How many rectangles will your rockets need?

Using clothes pins to measure the distance of planets, from the sun.

Using shapes to cover space pictures.

Mrs. Loslo explaining a space shuttle launch.
Thanks for sharing all your space model toys with us!

Mrs. Kacz explaining how all the planets 'orbit' around the sun.
Does anyone know the name for all the planets, stars, etc?
"the solar system" (Teyla)
Why do we need the sun?
"the plants need it to grow" (Olivia)
"so we can see, to have light" (Teyla)
"to give us heat, keep us warm" (Tanner)

How many shapes did you use? 5

Why is Neptune so cold?
"its far away from the sun"

Counting how many shapes were needed.

"Earth is 2 clothes pins away, Mars is 4 away"

Printing our names on the rocket ships.

Patterning 'moon rocks'.
"white, dark, dark, dark" (ABBB)
"light, dark" (AB)... in a circle, a pattern keeps repeating!

Making a blazing sun, the center of the solar system.

Taking a closer look at the model.

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