Thursday 15 January 2015

FYI- Upcoming EDI assessment for SK students

Information for Parents of children in Senior Kindergarten,
A letter will be sent home giving you information about the EDI [Early Development Instrument]. This is an assessment that is done every 3 years in Senior Kindergarten classrooms across the province. Your child's teacher will assess how ready your child is to learn at school. A child’s readiness to learn is considered in 5 areas: their physical health, emotional maturity, communication, language and thinking, and their social skills.  The information is used by the Ministry of Education and by Public Health Units to inform programming and strategies to support young children to learn. It is up to you whether or not your child gets assessed. We are asking that you watch for the letter and if, after reading it, you want something explained or you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s teacher or any of the contact names on the letter that is coming home in January.  We want you to have all the information you need to make an informed choice about your child's participation.
Brenda Blancher
Superintendent of Education
Grand Erie District School Board
519-756-6306 ext. 281153
Grand Erie District School Board
Growing Excellence … Inspiring Success

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