Monday 3 November 2014

October Newsletter...

October has been an exciting month full of your child’s natural curiosity for their changing environment. They have been asking many questions about the changing leaves and busy squirrels. Our Fall season is now upon us and the changes are beautiful. Our themes this month have been Thanksgiving, Harvest, Leaves, Pumpkins and Halloween.
We had a visit from the Brantford Fire Fighters and we all got to climb inside the fire truck and learn about all their special tools to help keep us safe!!!
Tomorrow we have a visit from a Police Officer to talk about strangers.
We are all able to recognize our name and now we are learning to print, copy or trace our name (JK).
Please encourage your child to spell their names correctly and properly on a line at home. Printing each letter from top down every time is a goal of ours… “we always start our letters at the top”. If your child has trouble printing, it is suggested that you use a highlighter for the letters on a line, put a green dot where they begin to trace and a red dot where they stop.
We have learned the letters Nn, Cc, Kk, Ee and Hh this month.
We have started learning popcorn words; these are high frequency words that pop up all the time in songs, poems and stories. The words we have been reviewing and remembering are I a he she and is.
We are also reading lots of stories, fiction and non-fiction; we are talking about syllables, sequencing/retelling stories and making text-to-text connections, “This story reminds me of another story we read…”
When reading to your child at home talk about the book, encourage them to retell the story and make connections. This helps to develop their comprehension skills.


In Math we have been busy using many fall objects to explore new concepts.
For Measurement we ordered different sizes of pumpkins from small to large.
We used snap cubes to measure the lengths of Halloween objects and discussed the terms “less” and “more” to compare two items.
For Data Management we have started graphing…
-What do you want to be when you grow up?
-When is your birthday? (and we painted all the months of the year)
-What were you for Halloween?
-What colour were your jelly beans?
For Number Sense we have been printing and reading numerals from 1-5. We are matching numbers with the same amount of objects. We are also counting more and more everyday and beginning to count by tens. Count at home as you walk up the stairs or as you fold laundry have your child count and match the socks. They love to help!


We have been exploring our seasonal cycles as summer came to an end and fall began.  
We compared how apples grow on a tree and pumpkins grow on a vine and took a look at the life cycle of a pumpkin.
The students have been continuing to paint, paint and paint some more. We painted our hands to make the fall trees as we discussed what we were thankful for. I hope you all enjoyed this special Thanksgiving gift.
We have been busy experimenting and mixing colours (yellow and red to make orange).
We also painted our paper bag pumpkins and our reading buddies helped to finish up by adding the shapes to make the faces of our Jack-o-lanterns.
What is Coming Next??? Dinosaurs… If you find any craft items or have any dinosaur books we could borrow, that would be amazing!

Thanks for your continued support at home!!! Mrs. Kacz

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