Tuesday 2 September 2014

Welcome to Kindergarten

We are looking forward to an exciting year in Kindergarten at Prince Charles this academic year.  We hope the following information will be helpful in explaining some of the routines for our class.


1.     Calendar and Newsletter

Your child will bring a calendar home each month.  The calendar gives information about physical education days, library days and special events.  The calendar will also include the name of our “Special Me” of the day.  On your child’s special day, he/she is the leader for the day and is encouraged to bring in a favourite story to be read to the class. 

The newsletter will give information as to what we have done in class for the month.  Newsletters will be sent home at the end of each month.  The newsletter will also outline some concepts to reinforce at home.


2.     Gym and Library Days

Each week we will have 2 designated gym days.  Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately on these days and they have running shoes. If your child is wearing flip-flops or boots they will not be able to participate.


Library books will be sent home with each child once a week.  Please send the book back to school with your child the following week so he/she may exchange their book for a new one on their Library day.


Indoor/Outdoor Shoes

I encourage you to have your child keep a pair of running shoes at school for gym days. When the weather changes they will also be expected to have clean and dry shoes for inside the classroom.


3.     Class Trips

During the year, we will be taking some class outings on foot or by bus.  You will be informed of the details of these events well in advance and will be asked to sign a form giving your consent for the outing.  Parent volunteers would be appreciated on these occasions.  Please note that volunteers must have a police check completed in order to accompany us on the trip.


4.     Birthdays

Children’s birthdays are recognized on or as close to their big day as possible.  Your child will get an opportunity to choose a little gift from the birthday box and we will sing Happy Birthday to him/her.  Summer birthdays will be recognized at the end of June.


5.     Supplies

We would kindly request that each child bring 1 box of Kleenex to share with the class.  Also, please send in any beautiful junk you have from home on an on-going basis.  Such items as paper towel rolls, wrapping paper rolls, ribbon, lace, foam, old cards etc.


6.     Curriculum

We will run a play-based program where students will learn through inquiry.  The full-day early learning kindergarten program capitalizes on children’s natural curiosity and their desire to make sense of their environment.  We will use inquiry-based learning to build on children’s spontaneous desire for exploration and to gradually guide them to become more focused and systematic in their observations and investigations.


7.     Toys

Please keep your child’s toys at home. Toys at school get lost, broken and cause upsetting situations.  We have lots of toys at school for the children to play with.  Please note that teachers are not responsible for the loss or damage of items sent to school.


8.     Nutrition Breaks

There are two nutrition breaks.  The first break is from 10:40-11:20 and the second break is from 1:00-1:40.  Students eat for the first 20 minutes and then head outside for recess.  During the first break all students remain at school.  During the second nutrition break, with permission, students have the option of going home for lunch or remaining at school.  Please pack a nutritious lunch for your child if they are staying at school.


   9. Recess

All junior and senior kindergarten students will go outside for recess.  They will stay in the fenced-in area designated for only Kindergarten students.


 10. Arrival and Dismissal Times

Students are to be dropped off in the Kindergarten area outside. Students wait in the fenced in area until the morning bell at 9:00. There is supervision beginning at 8:40 and two teachers will be outside at that time. You are welcome to remain with your child until the bell rings.  We encourage you to say goodbye to your child outside, to promote your child’s independence.  Students will be dismissed at 3:20 one at a time as each parent or guardian arrives from the classroom door.  If a child has not been picked up by 3:25, they will be taken to the office to wait.


11. Communication Bags

Each student will have a communication bag to go home each day. That is where you will find their calendars, newsletters, permission forms, and their finished work. Please check it daily and return it the following day. Inside there will also be a small communication book where we can write to each other. You can let me know if they are being picked up early, will be absent or any questions/concerns. Please leave the book open so the message is seen.


12. Extra Clothes

Accidents do happen… please send an extra set of clothing to leave at school. (I suggest a large Ziploc bag clearly labeled with your child’s name.)

Also please dress your child in clothing that they can play in. We are often busy with crafts, painting, exploring in the dirt, etc.


Thanks so much for your consideration and support. I look forward to learning with your child this year.


Mrs. Kaczmarczyk (“Mrs. Kacz”)




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